Frequently Asked Questions.

How to make donations to Mano Foundation?

Mano Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that provides relief to the poor and needy around the world. To donate, simply log on to our website and follow the instructions. for a quick and easy online donation or you may call us on the number below.

Is Mano Foundation a Not For Profit Organisation.

Yes, we are a Not for Profit organisation working towards charitable activities.


Are you registered under 12A and 80G?

Yes, we are registered under 12A and 80G, which means you can claim your donation as a deduction from your income tax. We also provide you with complete transparency on how your money is spent so you can be assured that it goes towards the right cause. 

Is my donation eligible for Tax Exemption?

Yes, we are registered under 80G, which means you can claim your donation as a deduction from your income tax.

What is Vision, Mission of Mano Foundation?

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is basically a legally constituted organization which is operated by legal persons who work as independent team with the help of donation